

AhnLab’s IT Security Consulting Service is provided by IT security experts, many of whom are Certified Security Professionals (CISSP, CPP) as well as certified IT product specialists. We analyze the security threat factors of businesses and organizations based on AhnLab’s experienced consulting processes to help you improve your IT security status against advanced threats, facilitate compliance, and efficiently reduce information security risk.

AhnLab will be a company. That contributes to the. AhnLab has been designated by the South Korean government as a “Knowledge Information Security Consulting Services Provider” and ASEM is a verified methodology that was awarded for “Software Engineering and Building Technology.” ASEM continues to improve over the years via various projects and consulting experiences. AhnLab has been designated by the South Korean government as a “Knowledge Information Security Consulting Services Provider” and ASEM is a verified methodology that was awarded for “Software. AhnLab is a global leader in security research and product development delivers comprehensive protection for networks, transactions, and essential services. By combining cloud analysis with.

ASEM, the established security consulting methodology of AhnLab

Ahnlab Windows 10

AhnLab Security Engineering Methodology (ASEM) uses a general and systematic approach for analyzing threats in companies or organizations and establishing solutions accordingly.

AhnLab has been designated by the South Korean government as a “Knowledge Information Security Consulting Services Provider” and ASEM is a verified methodology that was awarded for “Software Engineering and Building Technology.” ASEM continues to improve over the years via various projects and consulting experiences.

In order to deliver real business value to your organization, AhnLab IT Security Consulting Service presents the most helpful guidelines to clients by performing the following tasks

1. Supports core business and tasks

We analyze and evaluate the application system that supports the organization’s core business and tasks and the information infrastructure, and then present an information protection solution that will maintain the stability and reliability of the business.

2. PDSC analysis technology

Based on the method of PDSC (Plan-Do-See-Check), we evaluate your security system and current status to provide the best security countermeasures.

3. Component Based Process (CBP)

ASEM modularizes each process of security consulting services so that it can be applied to various environments and delivered with cost-effective results.

4. KPI (Key Performance Indicator) of security performance

We set the security level and goal for clients based on our established information security model and present the KPI of the security performance’s effect on the corporation or organization’s business goal or strategy performance.

Ahnlab V3 Internet Security 9

5. Threat response scenario

We present an optimal information security countermeasure that has been verified based on a 5-stage scenario that identifies threats which could affect the corporation or organization.

Have Questions?


Get answers to frequently asked questions about V3 Home.

  • V3 Home is a security solution for home IoTV3 Home is a security solution for home IoT devices. By connecting V3 Home to the router you use at home, V3 Home can monitor entire network traffic of all devices connected to the router. devices.
  • Yes, we only collect metadata (small portion of packet) of the network traffic via encrypted 'secure channel'. We need those information fed into the AI engine to determine the malicious activity. However, any user sensitive data is trimmed and is not collected at all.
  • V3 Home will work for you regardless of the region but make sure that you need to have a router to connect.
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    Do I need V3 Home devices as many as IoT devices to protect?

    No, it doesn’t matter how many IoT devices you use but the router. If you are using 100 IoT devices connected to a single router, you need just one V3 Home device. However, if you use multiple routers at home, you need to setup V3 Home devices for each router.
  • No, it doesn't have routing feature with it now. We have plan to add routing feature in the near future.
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    Do I need to install an application on every device?

    There is no need to install additional application on your IoT devices to protect them and this is why V3 Home is needed. Even with V3 Home you still need antivirus software to protect your PC because the ability of these solutions are totally different. However you can't use antivirus software on the IoT devices like IP camera or smart refrigerator.
  • Currently It doesn't but in the future, it may because the Key Features of V3 Home such as IP filtering based on the blacklist or archiving the security logs cost for the maintenance just like antivirus software.
  • Your serial number is located on a label on the back of the product, under the LAN port.